GBWhatsApp is a similar version of WhatsPlus have many new features,and we always give you in "official-plus" new updates for GBWhatsApp, so enjoy to use the amazing features of GBWhatsApp without any fear to stops updates, any damage to your phone because GBWhatsApp is 100% safe for android.
GBWhatsApp Plus latest apk is another mod by GB Team that has all the features of GBWhatsApp is best Two WhatsApp In Single Android Mobile. in it but has the signature “com.whatsapp”. This mod will suffice all the need that you require from themeing your whatsapp to coustomising your privacy. Enjoy it all in this new ‘GB’ WhatsApp Plus.
Based on 2.12.556 ( Play Store )
Ban proof
Supports calls
Hide your ( last seen )
Privacy mods
Themes mods
Theme Server ( to download/apply themes )
Change ticks/bubbles Style Mod
Counter statistics for groups
Media preview without loading
Show Online/last Seen in Main Screen
Send video to size 30 MB instead of 16 MB
Send 90 images at once instead of 10
Change your status and add to 250 characters instead of 139 characters
Ability to press on links on chat screen without save sender number or group admin number
Ability to press in links on your friends states
The possibility of distinguishing between normal messages and Broadcast messages
Hide the name and the date when copy more than one message
The possibility of copying friends statusChange the app icon and notifications
What’s New ?
The new updates on GB Whatsapp are really marvelous and attractive to the eyes. Now you can even move the floating button to any position you want unlike Version 6.0. The is one big updates for GB Fans. Let’s see all GBWhatsapp Added Features.
•New Base Updated to 2.17.427
•Added New Emojis
•Exclusive DND Mode (Disable Internet only for WhatsApp) (Home Page – Header)
•Added Option to Increase Video Limit in Status (Mod 5.6)
•Add option 5.6 to upload a video in the case of 7 minutes rather than 30 seconds
•Exclusive Ability to identify Admin Msg in Group (Besides Number)
•Now the groups will appear (group admin) next to the admin name
•Exclusive Option to Change Fab Size (Mod 2.7.7)
•Add option 2.7.7 to change the size of the floating button
•Exclusive Option to Change Fab Location/Position (Mod 2.7.8)
•Add Option 2.7.8 to change the place of the floating button (left or right of the screen)
•Enabled Change Number Notification
Add clock sticker
•Enabled Clock Sticker
•Enabled Group Info Settings (Will Work when Enabled from Server)
•Added Option to Hide DND Mode Icon (mod 2.1.10)
•Activate the notification feature of your contacts when you change your number
•Add Option 2.1.10 to hide the Internet Stop icon from the Talk screen
•Add control of group settings only to moderators (will be done soon by server)
•Improved Dialer (Now you can Edit, Copy, Paste Numbers)
•Improved the feature of sending a message to a number that is not saved on your device
•Added German Language Support
•Fixed Navigation Bar Color when Select any chat/message
•Fixed Mod 6.2 when Send/Receive More than 1 pic.
•Fix option 6.2 does not work when receiving multiple images (albums)
•Fixed Mod 6.11 for Android Oreo.
•Fixed Play Videos on some devices
•Fixed Crash when open Custom Privacy Chats •Fix crash when opening conversations that have done their privacy Fix the problem of failure (failure to play this video) in some setups
•Fix the status bar colors when selecting a message/conversation
•Other Fixes…
•Fix the status bar colors when selecting a message/conversation
•Other Fixes…
Hide View Status : You can hide view status for contacts (Your name will not appear if you have seen the status)